
Want to Contribute to Gameznet? : Click Here

Feel free to “Keep it Free” by making a small donation to our beer and coffee fund :)

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The Gameznet website and the Free online Games arcade are a full time labour of love, built from pure bipolar passion. 

While I provide a lot of free content, including media and downloads, its not actually free to provide it, this all takes a lot of time and energy and of course there are actual monetary costs involved including the web server and bandwidth costs and paying for plugins, developers and software subscription (the list goes on). So  If you would like to help out and  contribute in some way to say thanks or just give me some extra encouragement to keep it all going then you are more than welcome to send a contribution in the form a paypal payment but clicking the PayPal donate button for any amount you choose or send a crypto payment to one of the wallet addresses provided.
Any amount is apreciated and will be put to good use, a few dollars or even a few cents will go a long way towards covering some costs and buying a beer or coffee which will help keep me motivated to keep adding more content for you to enjoy :)