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Viral Videos

Viral Video Galleries

A viral video is a video that becomes popular through a viral process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites such as YouTube as well as social media and email. Viral videos may be serious, and some are deeply emotional, but many more are centered on entertainment and humorous content.

Here we have the ongoing task of scouring the internet for the best public domain, royalty free and creative commons based viral videos that viewers are free to download, use , share and even chop up remix and edit for use in your own video compilation projects without fear of copyright issues. ( some do require attribution and this will usually be included in the videos descriptions or meta tags)

Most of the video content here is public domain or Royalty Free , please refer to the individual clips for specific details.

Due to the volume of sheer massive volume of content It is off course entirely possible that some videos which do have licensing or copyright have managed to get into the collections, if this is the case then we do aplogise and will happily remove or attribute any video that has been incorrectly labeled as public dominance, Creative Commons or royalty free. To be on the safe side If you do wish to use any video that you download from any source in your own projects that you intend to monitize please double check by searching google for the original source (author) to check for any license terms!

4x4 viral videos
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4X4 Viral Videos

Popular 4X4 viral videos featuring 4wd and boys-toys which are generally copyright free meaning you can download and use them in your own 4wd video compilations.
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Halloween Viral Videos

Popular Halloween viral videos featuring halloween and celebrations which are generally copyright free meaning you can download and use them in your own halloween video compilations.



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Feel Free to Download or link to any of the royalty free media in our site and use them in your own projects.  All we ask in return is that you give this page or our site a link back,  shout out or share it to some of your favourite social media locations.  If you really apreciate anything you found and used here and want to say thank you then why not make a contribution to our  beer and coffee fund :) 

Want to download online videos?  
check out this article to find out how to download YouTube and other other online videos the easy way- HOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUTUBE VIDEOS FOR FREE HERE

Premium Videos

browse our online store for Unique Royalty Free and Licensed Videos you wont find anywhere else

More Sites and Resources

Do You Like Viral Videos?

If you enjoy watching viral videos please let us know which sites are your favourites in the comments.

want to download online videos?  
check out this article to find out how to download YouTube and other other online videos the easy way- HOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUTUBE VIDEOS FOR FREE HERE

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